Modern Chess

Saurav Chakravorty
Today’s Random
Published in
Feb 19, 2021


Chess is an ancient game. The game originated in India and then went to Persia, where the rules of the game were refined. Modern chess rules were set around 1830.

When the first world championships were held in the 1980s, there were no time limits for the games. But when players started taking excess time to think, rules were amended and organisers imposed time limits.

Players used sand glasses to prevent one player from taking too much time for their move. Many of these games went on for a long time and the organiser has to figure out adjournment rules. In chess, if a game was to be adjourned, the player who had the turn wrote the move and seals it inside an envelop. Whenever the game was resumed, the envelop was opened, and the move was played. No player gets extra time to analyse the board.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash



Saurav Chakravorty
Today’s Random

I am a data scientist solving some interesting problems in the industry.